Chapter 3

Abhimaan's POV:

'Maan get up.you have to give lectures today ' I said to myself. Beleive it or not but leaving the bed in the morning is the hardest thing. After taking the shower I walked inside my closet and bumped into something or someone automatically my hand encircled around it to prevent it from falling.

I felt something soft.


I looked downward and my eyes locked with the most mesmerizing brown eyes. She widened her eyes after realizing something. Her black wet hair were spreading on all over her face. I tucked one of her hair strand behind her ear.

Her tiny hands were on my shoulder, grabbing hard for support. She was breathing heavily. I have effect on her.

Good (Smirk)

My eyes left her face and roamed all over her body. She was just in a towel , same goes for me though.

what the hell

She licked her dry lips. And I felt something in my towel.


She lowered her eyes and struggled to come out of my tight hold. She looked up again like pleading with her eyes to release her. I released her and left the closet.

I directly went to the balcony. After some time Shivika left the room , I knew it because the sound of opening and closing of door was audible. Then I entered into the closet wore my clothes ,   left to my school without having breakfast because I don't want to face Shivika. I think she don't like me because well you all know she was not comfortable with my touch and even was pleading me to release her. "sighs"

Shivika's POV:

What was that ??

Well whatever it was I liked it very much ❤...He was so close to me, so close to my heart. WOW... Now this is a good morning. After wearing my school dress I left our room, I was too shy to face him ( don't take me as a shy girl, but that was our first well not so intimate but still romantic encounter).We all were waiting for him for breakfast but he never showed up. May be he left early.

But why?

May be he don't want to see me after that incident.😔

I take blessings from elders and hugged Kavya di and left for my school. Dad dropped me at school. How sweet of him na

"SHIVI" Someone called me, I turned around and there she is , my best friend (Amanpreet).I hugged her. She is like a sister to me. I love her so much.

"What happened, Why are you looking so tired?" She asked me

"I wasn't able to sleep last night" I told her the truth.. whole night I was thinking about Maan (well this is the nickname I gave him... cute naa)

"Why" Ohh God.. why is she like this ?

"I will tell you everything.. but you have to promise me that you wont tell anything to Siddharth......You know naa he is very bad at keeping secrets" I said to her

"Okay . promise"

"Give me the time table yrr...." I said to her well basically I begged her

"Yaa sure Our new maths teacher is our class teacher and he is a teacher so you cant masturbate while thinking about him" I was beyond shocked after listening to her. What is she saying?. She is not in her senses.

"What are you saying? Are you out of your mind....."


Our class teacher entered, well I wasn't paying any attention to him coz I was busy cursing Preet. I mean how dare she? I am a married woman now...well she don't know about it.. but then also...I was in my Lalaland when someone kicked me

" What do yo......" Someone called my roll no. , interrupting me in the middle 


Well that someone is our class teacher... I was looking at the podium coz I was too embarrassed to face my teacher....

"Present sir" I said and looked at the teacher who was looking at me with shocked expression just like mine... Abhimaan is our new maths teacher and class teacher too... OMG.... Fuck me now

"Well today we are going to start Matrix, we will start chapter 1 after completing this chapter...okay?" Our teacher asked us and we all agreed as if we have any other option.

First four period went in a blur... and now its lunch period. I was not able to focus on anything because the fact that Maan is our new teacher had my full attention.

"What happened Girl" Preet asked me and this time I told her everything. Why my sister run away from her wedding? and how I got married to Abhimaan our new teacher? I told her everything. At first she was shocked and then she started laughing. After laughing her guts out she said.

"Well Girl, you can masturbate while thinking about him" Now this is embarrassing.

"What are you talking about" Siddharath my another best friend asked us

" Nothing important" We both said in unison.

"okay" Siddharth said

"Everything is fine naa...Why are you so gloomy" I asked him, well he is looking so dull and I am not liking it .

"You know Mitali, my crush all day long she cant stop talking about our new maths teacher. HE IS SO HOT....OMG I WANNA KISS HIM.... I WANNA LICK HIM" Siddharth mimicked her, well Siddharth is looking funny while mimicking her but I am a bit jealous now .

"You don't need to be jealous of her. He is your husband. He is all yours" My mind said to me

I looked towards Amanpreet. Okay come on not again. Well lemme tell you. Aman has a crush on Siddharth and Siddharth you, well he has  crush on Mitalli. So whenever we all three sit together Siddharth cant stop talking about her and I don't have a problem with it but Aman doesn't take it very well although she never showed it to Siddharth as she doesn't want to ruin her friendship with him by telling him about her true feelings. But I fell like she should tell him about her feelings, i don't like this situation ship. 

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