Chapter 2

Third Person's POV :

Shivika is sitting on the bed, inspecting her new room. " This room is very spacious, with an attached closet and washroom. And that couch in the corner is so beautiful and I even liked the colour. Lavender is my all time favourite"she said to herself. She was lost in her own thoughts.

The loud banging on the door startled her. She got up from the bed and opened the door. Abhimaan was standing on the other side he completely ignored her and went to the washroom, after some time he came out and said "Don't bother me, I have to go to work tomorrow... either sleep on the left side of the bed or on the couch.. I don't care and don't make noise" he said and laid on the left side and slept.

Here Shivika was removing her makeup. After what felt like forever she came out of the washroom after removing her makeup and changing into something comfy , she never slept with a man before and was not so comfortable with him so she laid down on the couch but sleep was far away from her. So she just closed her eyes and started thinking about everything that had happened today. Her mother disappointed her today, she didn't think twice and married her seventeen year old daughter off.

The next morning, Shivika was the first one to wake up. Initially she got confused about her whereabouts as the room was not so familiar to her, then realisation hit her and she started crying. She wiped her tears and went to the washroom. After what feel like eternity she came out of washroom wearing a red saree. She kept it simple with minimal makeup and matching earrings.

She directly went towards the mirror did her makeup and tied the thalli around her neck and put vermillion in her partition. She was going towards the almirah when her eyes fall on her husband. " Clearly the most handsome man and arrogant too" She thought then she went near him in order to wake him up as they have to go downstairs for breakfast but he is a heavy sleeper for sure. She tried many times but he didn't even budge and over it he held her hand and kept it near his heart. They were very close, their faces were inches apart and this close proximity was not at all helping Shivika. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and jerked her hand away, Shivika first got startled and then she felt embarrassed and unwanted. Abhimaan said nothing to her and went directly to the washroom and came out after 10 min wearing a red shirt and black pants.

Abhimaan's POV:

I woke up and was shocked to my core when I saw her so close to me. Our lips were inches apart. It took everything in me to stop myself from kissing her. I jerked her away and went directly to the washroom. I feel bad now, I have to say sorry to her but how?. I left the washroom after 10 minutes. I settled for a red shirt and black pants. It's my first day at my new school and I don't want to get late, so I hurriedly left my room. I was about to go out of the house when my mom yelled at me for going out without having my breakfast. I went towards her and kissed her on her forehead and asked her not to worry about me way too much. I was eating my breakfast when my mom said " Shivika, This halwa is very delicious" and she stood up from her seat followed by papa they both gave gold bangles to Shivika as her naig along with an envelope. Then my dadi who doesn't seem very pleased with Shivika gave her some money, Shivika took their blessings.

"Bhabhi, Why are you not going to school?" My sister Kavya asked her, my wife is a school student how embarrassing.

"I will join tomorrow" came her reply.

I left from there as I was getting late. I reached school in 10 minutes. I went to the principal's office and talked to him for good 20 min then I left from there as I have to give my first lecture. I am a  teacher and a student , I am doing my PHD after completing that I will be a professor. Teaching is my passion, I enjoy it very much.

My first day in school was good. I was really busy today, engaged in lectures and doubt solving, and that's how I like it. I entered my house and was welcomed by Shivika she gave me a glass of water and then went into the kitchen. I went to my room, freshened up, I was checking my mail when Shivika came to my room, gave me my coffee. The coffee tasted like small drop from heaven Okay okay in general coffee was delicious.

Shivika is a good girl but I started liking Anamika from the very first day when I saw her. And that's why it is difficult for me to move on with Shivika but I have to give this arrangement a chance.

Knock knock

The knock on the door broke my train of thought and my dad entered into my room.

"Abhi, we have to go to the bank, remember?" Dad asked me

"Yes dad, " dad nodded and left the room. I grabbed my wallet and car keys and left the room. We went to the bank. It took dad three hours to complete his work. It was already dinner time when we reached home. I freshened up and had my dinner and then retired to my room and slept...


After cleaning the dishes, Shivika entered in their room. She saw him sleeping like a baby and smiled. Then she went to the washroom and changed into something comfy and slept. Tomorrow is going to be a long day as she is going to join the school. Her best friend told her that their maths teacher got changed and she is excited to meet new maths teacher as maths and biology are her fav subjects. She wants to be a doctor but she loves maths a lot so she chose PCMB in 11th.

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