Chapter 1

Third Person's POV :

A girl in a pink lehenga, with some gifts in her hands, was running towards the main gate. She almost slipped because of her dress but still didn't pay heed and kept on running. Her dupatta was falling from her shoulder.

Just one more turn than it will be over, she said to herself while keeping the gifts in the car in front of her house.

The girl is Shivika Sharma, 18 years old, a perfect daughter and student. She has straight As. She is in 12th standard. Never gets into trouble and is always on her best behavior. Its her sisters wedding today and she is helping her parents in packing the sweets which are to be distributed among the relatives after the function. The entire house is decorated. Some aunties are singing and dancing. Anamika Sharma, Shivika's sister, is getting married to Abhimaan Agnihotri, 26 years old. A very sincere and good looking man. He and his family used to live in Delhi, they shifted to their ancestral house in Kolkata recently. He is a very reserved personality.

"What is this? Shivi!... I told you to finish this before the guest's arrival.... don't be so lazy!!... its your sisters wedding today," Her mother Damini, who came to the room to pick up rest of the gifts said to her more like yelled at her.

"Mom.." she looked down as she was very well aware of her mothers strict nature.

"What? Just try to give me one more of your pathetic excuse and I will slap your hard enough to leave a mark", Her mother spat in anger. Now why are you standing here, just check on Anamika, the baraat has arrived shivika nodded and left the room.


"Anamika Di, the baraat has arrived,"She said while knocking on the door. But instead of getting a reply, she heard something falling. She got a little tense.

"Di, are you fine?" She said with concern.

Still no reply.

Now, she cannot take this anymore. She opened the door and went inside. She was beyond shocked when she saw no one inside the room. Anamika's lehenga, jewellery were lying on the bed with a note near them.

Dear Mom

I don't think I could attend this wedding . Sorry for being disrespectful and sorry for leaving you in this situation. I told you many times that I am not interested in the rubbish you call a wedding but you were too busy to listen.

And one more thing, I can choose my life partner. I don't need your involvement in my life.

Your not so loving and obedient daughter, Anamika.

Her eyes widened on reading the letter. She ran towards her parents, who were busy in welcoming the guests.

"Mom Dad,"

"What Shivi, we are busy, go...... "Her mother was about to say further when her father interrupted her  "Let her speak"

"Mom dad, Di she is not in her room" As soon as these words slipped from Shivika's mouth, worry coat her parents faces. Then her mother saw the letter in her hand and snatched it, she fainted as she completed the letter. Abir( Shivika's father) took Damini to the room and Shivi was following them absentmindedly. They entered into the room. Abir splashed some water on Damini. As soon as Damini got her conscious back, she started crying.

" Stop crying , Damini , Lets go and apologize to the Agnihotries" Abir said and was about to open the door when Damini stopped him.

"I won't let that spoiled brat play with our status...." Damini said to Abir and ordered Shivika to wear Anamika's lehenga and jewellery.

' What are you doing Damini? Shivika is too young to get married and besides we cant do this to Agnihotries" Abir argued with his wife.

" Either this marriage will take place today or I will kill myself..... You two choose" Damini said with finality in her tone.

"What are you saying mom . This is ridiculous.... You are ready to put my career on stake for your so called status" Shivika said with tears.

Damini went to the table, took a knife and held it on her wrist " Choose" She spat.

Both Abir and Shivika ran towards her but she took a step back and said " JUST CHOOSE "

"Okay, I will marry him. Just put that knife aside" Shivika said she was a crying mess till now.

"Wear that lehenga and jewellery.. cover your face completely and come out soon" Damini said and left the room.

"You can run away too I wont mind it"  Abir said and Shivika chuckled and then she said  "NO, she will surely kill herself"

" Its your call bacha , but he is a good guy he will take good care of you and will always keep you happy" he said and left the room.


Damini, we have to talk to the Agnihotris, come with me  Abir said with finality. Damini said okay and they went towards the room assigned to groom and his family. They knocked on the door and Nandini (Abhimaan's mother) opened the door, she hugged Damini as soon as she saw her, as they are childhood friends and their husbands are business partners. She sensed the tension in the air  and asked Damini what happened , Damini told each and everything to Abhimaan's family and with each passing second Abhimaan was getting angrier.

I would be very grateful to you and your family if you accept my Shivika as your daughter in law. Damini completed she waited for a reply but nothing came so she left the room with tears in her eyes Abir followed her. After some time Yuvaan(Abhimaan's father) and Nandini came and said that they are ready to accept Shivika as their daughter in law if she has no problem with it. Damini hugged her and said that Shivika is completely fine with the marriage.


Shivika's POV :

{Marriage Ceremony }

Right now I am sitting beside Abhimaan who was going to be my Jiju. Million questions are there in my mind right now but the most prominent one is " How am I going to manage everything? Accepting him as my husband is going to be very difficult for me " I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't notice when he put vermillion in my partition and when he tied the Mangal sutra around my neck. Now pandit ji asked us to stand up for the pheras, Mom tried to help me but I refused her help.  Soon, its time for Vidaai, I could see tears forming up in dad's eyes. Mom was also crying " wow shocking" . But I wasn't feeling anything. She chose her status , her high class over me. What if this marriage wont work out. What's she going to do about it?. Thinking about all these things I went towards the car and without uttering anything or even sparing a single glance to my parents I sat down in the car.

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