Chapter 2

" Manik you wanted to discuss something important" Dadi said to Manik in a firm voice .

" Yaa dadi .. it's actually...the thing is ..... Aliya and I..... We are not together anymore..... We broke up " Manik said making the whole family shocked.

" Whattttttt are you saying " Nyonika screamed at Manik. There is one thing you all need to know about Nyo and that is she really loves his son but Aliya is her favourite. She loves her more than anyone.Aliya is an orphan , her mother was really good friend of Nyo and she and her husband died in a plane crash when Aliya was something like 10 years old . From then only Nyo was the one who took care of her. And that's why she is so attached to Aliya . And this was the pretty much reason why Manik said yes to Aliya. At that time he was not in love with Aliya but for his mom and sister's sake he accepted her proposal.

" What is the reason for the break-up" Nyonika again asked him more like screamed at him .

Flashback Starts:

" Manik this is not working ....you are screaming at me again for absolutely no reason " Aliya said with tears in her eyes.

" FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON... you are cheating on me Aliya " Manik first screamed at her and then said the last part slowly.

" No I am not and you have no proof " Aliya said looking straight in his eyes.

" I saw you with that man......though I wasn't able to see his face but I saw you and I am pretty much sure that you are cheating on me. And last time too I found you with a man but I forgive you for the sake of my baby boy.... But not anymore I would like my son to grow up without a mother but I won't let a characterless woman like you to even come near him " Manik said to Aliya and went towards the door without facing Aliya he continued " And now I am breaking up with you.... What..tever there was between us is over now....good bye Aliya forever " his voice was breaking while saying all these hurtful things to love of his life .

" Ohhh No....not so soon......this is not the good bye .... I want my son back " Aliya said with confidence

" Your son ......you mean the one you left in the park alone and went to meet that man .... Woww Aliya " manik started clapping and went towards her " Hats off to you , to your confidence ....how confidentially you said that you want your son back ....... Let me remind you one more thing Aliya this is the same child you never wanted to have in the first place ..... Don't ever say that Ari is your son because he is not ..... From now onwards " Manik said to her .

Manik looked at the other side and saw little Ari standing by the door crying. Manik went towards him and sat on his knees in front of him " Why are you crying my baby " Manik asked him.

" Why are you fighting with aunty and why are you being so loud dad " Ari said while pointing towards Aliya.

" I am not your aun...." Aliya tried to say but manik stopped her midway..

" Yess you are his aunty Aliya and you always will be .. and this one is pretty much enough to prove how much you hate our child that for your career and reputation you never allowed him to call you mom.... But you know what you don't even deserve to be called a mom " Manik said to Aliya and took little Ari in his arms and left the place .

Flashback ends :

"First of all she accepted you and your illegitimate child" Nyonika said pointing towards Ari. Ari went behind Manik it was clear on his face that he was afraid of Nyo. " You cheated on her and then also she forgave you. ....you should respect her but look at you " Nyonika said clearly disguised by her own son.

Aliya never allowed Manik to tell anyone that Ari is his and her child because she was very much concerned about her reputation and acting career which will obviously fall down if everyone came to know that she got pregnant before marriage.

" Mom stop calling my child illegitimate .... And I am not obliged to tell you each and everything ... Aliya and I are not together and that's more than enough for you to know and yeess I cheated on her  " Manik said slowly making each and every word clearer and was loud enough for everyone to hear him he said the last part sarcastically.

" Manik he needs a mother. And Aliya was ready to accept you and I am sure she will love Ari like her own son .... There is absolutely no reason for you to break up with her" Dadi said putting her hand on Manik's shoulders. " She is a nice girl manik you should keep her around " she completed.

" Nice girl my foot. ..... I love her to moon and back. She is my first love and probably the last one too.. but you guys need to understand that things are not working between us and I even don't want things to work out between us now ...... The respect I used to hold for her is not there anymore. She is not good enough to be ari's mom and from the very first time when I hold this little baby in my arms I made a promis to myself that whatever decision I will take in my life from now onwards will be for my baby boy only .. I will do anything for him. " Manik said.

" We understand do whatever you want .....just remember that we all love you and Ari " Raj said and then asked everyone to retire to their rooms .

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