Chapter 1

Malhotra Mansion:

Everyone is at the dinning table including the head of the family sumitra Malhotra but there are two members who are no where to be seen . And one thing that sumitra Malhotra hates the most is unpunctuality. Everyone was worried about these two members and dadi ( sumitra Malhotra) is fuming in anger. Suddenly someone kissed sumitra on her right cheek followed by other person kissing her on her left cheeks. These two are the spoiled Malhotras aka Cabir and Mukti ..

" Sorry Dadimaa " said cabir and Mukti in unison . A smiled makes its place on dadi's lips and she kissed her grandchildren's forehead. Look how easy it is for these two to melt the most strict and punctual lady of the family .

"Let's have dinner" Dadi said " Nyonika did you talk to manik when is he thinking of returning and what is the big news he wants to share with us" dadi continued.

" I don't know maa ....let's see .... He is coming tomorrow and will tell all of us together" Nyonika answered.

Then everyone finished there dinner in silence without trying to make any conversation. After dinner everyone retired to their respective rooms .

Next Day :

At the airport .... A man in proper travelling attire grey sweatshirt and grey sweatpants makes his entrance. The auro around him is something like he is leader and everyone have to listen to him when he speaks , like no one dares to contradict him. He came hand in hand with a very cute baby boy.

It's still morning so no one was there pleading the lead singer of most famous band fab5, for autographs and selfie. Manik left for his home.

It's still morning, everyone was ready for having their breakfast when manik reached home. Everyone was surprised to see manik .

Manik read their expression and said " not now I will answer each of your questions but not now.. please. "

After listening to him everyone started having breakfast without saying anything further. Mukti and cabir as usual was late and when they saw manik they hugged him tightly. Then cabir hugged aryansh and gave him a chocolate. They all have their breakfast after that.

After breakfast everyone started getting ready for office including Manik as he is been in London for like months now and it was like he was on a vacation he was not at all involved in his office work and any other work for that matter.

" Cabir if you don't mind please come with me to office. I know nothing what's going on in there right now . So I think i might take your help " Manik said making a straight face. One could tell from his way of talking only that he is not that happy right now . And one should not push him right now.

" Yaa sure Bhai it's not a problem at all " Cabir said and went to his room to get ready. He didn't take much time just in 5 minutes he was in the living room in front of manik ready to go. " Let's go bhai " he said .

" So what's new in the office right now " Manik asked looking straight at the road while driving. Manik likes to drive a lot like any other normal boy ( boys usually likes driving if I am not mistaken) .

" Nothing much.... We are working in collaboration with saxena industry for that Mr. Mehr ' project and yaa your secretary he tried to stole some imp files so was sent to jail .... Your new secretary is being appointed and she will be joining from tomorrow " cabir completed

" She.... What do you mean by she. I like my secretary to be a man . Don't you know " Manik said in anger

( Look i have nothing against female as secretary but it's manik here and he doesn't like it so just take it as a fiction only....)

" Ohhhhh Bhai what happened why are you so angry suddenly. I know you don't like female secretary but dadi is the one who choose her. She really liked her professionalism maybe that's why... If you wanna fight about it go to dadi " Cabir said raising both his hands in the air .

" It's okay ... And sorry " Manik said and no more conversation took place between both the brothers after that .

After 10 - 15 minutes they reached their company.

Everyone wished good morning to Manik on his way to office.

Manik is sitting on his chair and is going through a file when someone knocked on his door. And only after hearing come in from him the person on the other side of door revealed himself.

" Bhai want some coffee" Cabir said.

" Yaa please yrr......You are a life saver " Manik said and took one cup from Cabir. " Nice " he complemented.

Knock knock

" Come in " Manik and Cabir said at the same time.

" Sir these content. just go through them one and then we will upload them " a girl who is probably Cabir's assistant said.

" Thanks Navya ......Bhai this is Navya ...junior content writer she works under me " Cabir said to Manik and winked . Manik just laughed it off. " Accha ...you can go now I will check it " Manik continued. Navya left the office.

" Okay Bhai i am off to my office... If you need something am just a call away... And these are the files of the transactions and work that took place in previous months ... Okay ?" Manik nooded and took the files from Cabir . He then left the office. Manik read all the files and understood everything.

It was already 5 pm when he completed the work. He left for the home. At the home he spend some time with his son .

" So how was your day ?" Manik asked

" Pr..pretty gud " Ari ( aryansh) replied. Though he is already 3 years old but can't speak fluently. " Pa ...pa I am hu..ngry " he added

" Let's go papa ki jaan it's already dinner time " Manik said

Everyone was already on the dinner table waiting for them when they reached there.

" Sorry for being late " manik said . Everyone nodded. They started having their dinner in silence. The Malhotra family has very strict rules. Dinner time is 8pm and everyone should be at the dining table by that time .

After dinner they all went to the living area. It's like a ritual after dinner when all the family members are present they sit at the hall and discuss whatever is going on in their life. Though today everyone is not present in the family. Manik's girlfriend and aryansh mother is not there but manik has something important to discuss.

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